

We get asked a lot how we are able to travel so much and visit so many beautiful countries so we put together a list to help you to be able to travel more too!

Saving – This is the most obvious but can be the hardest one! This is how we were able to go on our first backpacking trip around South East Asia in 2015! We’ll be honest it did take us a long time to save for that trip in our jobs when we were just out of college!

We had to make lots of small sacrifices to save such as, not eating out, only cooking cheaply at home, not going out all the time for drinks with friends and doing free things for days out like going for a hike etc. doing all these things over time helped us save the money to be able to go travelling, it’s just about being more aware with money. For example, when we would be out shopping, we always ask us ourselves ‘do we need this’ and usually the answer is no! 

Budget travel can be easily done, varying on the type of travel you’re doing. If you travel to cheaper countries such as places in Asia your money is going to go a lot further, so it’s a great continent to travel on a budget! 

Travelling by car or a van and camping can also make travel a lot easier to budget. Food can be the most expensive thing when travelling western countries, so instead of eating out on your trip go to the supermarket and cook yourself! 

When on a trip think of ways you can cut down on the main things you spend money on. Such as, accommodation, travel and food/drink. This gives you more money to travel for longer or do more activities. 

Budgeting varies so much on each different type of trip so if you need any advice please message us. 
We lived in New Zealand & Australia on working holiday visas. We actually worked our normal jobs – Emily in HR & Aidan in construction. This is something not many people realise that can be easily done! We found our work through online job search systems and by signing up with recruitment agencies!  

We found the salaries to be considerably higher than the UK! This made it so much easier for us to save, working in New Zealand for a year and Australia for two years! Working in these countries actually funded three long term trips around Asia and Europe!   
We used to book through popular search engines a lot – not knowing all the commissions were going back to the big companies! Did you know commissions are built into every booking that you make? ‘nope we didn’t either’ 
Since joining a travel programme we’ve been able to earn back so much on all our trips and extend our travels for longer!!  We now have our own booking system, that we use to book all the elements of our trips! 

As part of the travel programme, we are also partnered with lots of the major travel suppliers – some of them we actually used to use previously, now we can book through them and get the commissions back!
It’s also meant we’ve even been able to do so many staycations and days out with it too!! We find it really incredible that we have access to book every aspect of our trip and get the commissions back on everything! 

Interested in finding out more about the travel programme? Ask us how or check out this link for more information. 
Have you looked for online work? There are so many online job opportunities out there!! Some we researched are – teaching, virtual assistant, editing and social media marketing before we landed on working in the travel industry!! 

Travel is our biggest passion so it made sense for us to work in this industry! If you are interested in working online in the travel industry too, ask us how or check out this link for more information. 
If this post helped you please share it – any questions, contact us on facebook or instagram!